Curriculum update

Since January 2024 we have been revising and developing our curriculum sequence and progression to ensure all children gain the knowledge they need as they move through school.  

The curriculum subject pages on our website are in the process of being rebuilt. Once this is complete, they will reflect the revised curriculum in more detail.

We use the CUSP curriculum for History, Geography, Science, DT and Art, and we have carefully constructed our whole-school curriculum map to link different learning together so that children maximise the connections they make and engage in deep thinking. We are passionate for children to be able to express their learning in their own ways, which not only enables them to think and process knowledge effectively but also means they can build their particular skills and talents through their learning. So, if a child is a particularly able artist with a passion for geography, we will encourage them to sketch their own maps alongside reference to given map materials, as this will develop their personal abilities whilst reinforcing the knowledge they are learning.