School Uniform

School Uniform       

All children are expected to wear a uniform 

• School sweatshirt, fleece or cardigan

• Grey trousers/shorts/skirt

• White polo shirt

• Plain socks (white / grey) or plain tights (grey or black)

• Checked school dress (any colour).

The school enjoys encouraging the children to have their own individuality and therefore offers sweatshirts, fleeces and cardigans in a variety of colours for the children to choose.


Sensible, flat plain shoes in black should be worn. (Velcro if your child cannot manage laces.)

P.E. Kit

A t-shirt in their house colour. Black shorts. Trainers (velcro if your child cannot manage laces). Plain black tracksuit bottoms and sweatshirt.
Children come to school for the day in their PE kit on the days they have PE. Please check with your child’s class teacher or the school office for which days this is for your child’s class.


Children will require a pair of wellington boots to be kept permanently in school. These are worn during wet periods of weather so that children can still enjoy outdoor playtimes and outdoor learning whilst keeping their school shoes clean.

Outdoor Education

(Reception, Year 1 and 2) Children will need a waterproof jacket and trousers, wellies, hats and gloves.


For those children in KS2 attending swimming lessons, children need a one piece costume (no bikinis) for girls and trunks (no shorts) for boys, a swimming hat (cloth) and a towel.  Goggles may also be brought, these are optional.

Art & Design

Old shirt adjusted to be worn backwards with a loop for hanging it on a peg.


No necklaces etc. should be worn at school, stud earrings (one stud in each ear) only and these should not be worn on PE and swimming days.


For safety reasons, long hair (girls and boys) should be tied back/held back by simple bands, clips or slides.

It is essential that all clothing is labelled with your child’s name.


FOTS regularly organise clothing orders through Birds of Dereham, Alternatively clothing can be purchased through the Tesco website together with book bags and PE bags featuring the school logo.
It is essential that all clothing is labelled.